Breakdown Of Sacred Games
I will examine three of them -
1.The logo
2.The Hindu-Islamic vaults
3.Use of Indus human progress images (my personal top choice)
Unknown Fact#1: The logo
At whatever point I used to see this logo in the opening title melody, I thought that it was extremely lopsided.
That flat line in the center is outwardly irritating, would it say it isn't?
Imagine the symbol without that center flat line.
At that point the logo would "look" perfect to the eye!
Superbly symmetrical.
But, here is the puzzle( and the Mystery! ) behind the logo structure :
S + G = Sacred Games.
The first motivation for the logo was - "The Endless Knot"
The endless bunch of knots is one of the eight Ashta Mangalas( The Eight Auspicious Signs) in Hinduism, Buddhism and Jainism.
PS : Also - Sacred Games = Sartaj + Ganesh, the two most critical characters in the whole plot.
Anyway the credit for this should be given to the creator of the novel - VikramChandra.
Unknown Fact#2 : The Hindu-Islamic arches in title-tune
In the title melody, there are two vaults that are appeared consecutive.
The first displays inside vault of a mosque( Islamic craftsmanship + architecture ) and the second one is of a sanctuary( Hindu workmanship + architecture )
Both these vaults are appeared at fifteenth second and sixteenth second of the title-tune.
This is in-line with the solid Hindu-Muslim undertone that the whole season has got.
Unknown Fact#3 : Use of Indus human progress images in title tune
(my personal top choice)
You must have observed the names that show up in the title-tune.
At first they have some fashionable letters in order and afterward they get decoded and end up as readable .
Well, each one of those "fashionable" letter sets are not all imaginary
They are authentic images from the Indus Civilization( 2600– 1900 BC )
I've set apart in red circle the ones that were utilized. ( In Row-wise : Q, D, S, H, N, R, A )
The title-melody makers grabbed certain images which seem to be like the English letters in order and simply copy pasted them.
The sound related with the image may be very surprising. It is only the comparable "look" that matters.
The blurring of these mysterious images into the ordinary English letter sets insights into the character/Role of Sartaj.
He has to decode bunches of such scrambled hints/symbols to save the city of Mumbai within 25 days.
hats off to Plexus( the organization that made the Sacred Games title-melody ) for putting such a great amount of thought in minute things.
So If you like The Unknown Facts About Netflix Original "Sacred games"
then do like the content and also share the knowledge with your friends who are big fan of the Netflix Sacred Games series.
Also Check this video for a better understanding of the concept.
I will examine three of them -
1.The logo
2.The Hindu-Islamic vaults
3.Use of Indus human progress images (my personal top choice)

At whatever point I used to see this logo in the opening title melody, I thought that it was extremely lopsided.
That flat line in the center is outwardly irritating, would it say it isn't?
Imagine the symbol without that center flat line.
At that point the logo would "look" perfect to the eye!
Superbly symmetrical.
But, here is the puzzle( and the Mystery! ) behind the logo structure :
S + G = Sacred Games.
The first motivation for the logo was - "The Endless Knot"
The endless bunch of knots is one of the eight Ashta Mangalas( The Eight Auspicious Signs) in Hinduism, Buddhism and Jainism.
PS : Also - Sacred Games = Sartaj + Ganesh, the two most critical characters in the whole plot.
Anyway the credit for this should be given to the creator of the novel - VikramChandra.
Unknown Fact#2 : The Hindu-Islamic arches in title-tune
In the title melody, there are two vaults that are appeared consecutive.
The first displays inside vault of a mosque( Islamic craftsmanship + architecture ) and the second one is of a sanctuary( Hindu workmanship + architecture )

This is in-line with the solid Hindu-Muslim undertone that the whole season has got.
Unknown Fact#3 : Use of Indus human progress images in title tune
(my personal top choice)
You must have observed the names that show up in the title-tune.
At first they have some fashionable letters in order and afterward they get decoded and end up as readable .
Well, each one of those "fashionable" letter sets are not all imaginary
They are authentic images from the Indus Civilization( 2600– 1900 BC )

The title-melody makers grabbed certain images which seem to be like the English letters in order and simply copy pasted them.

The blurring of these mysterious images into the ordinary English letter sets insights into the character/Role of Sartaj.
He has to decode bunches of such scrambled hints/symbols to save the city of Mumbai within 25 days.

So If you like The Unknown Facts About Netflix Original "Sacred games"
then do like the content and also share the knowledge with your friends who are big fan of the Netflix Sacred Games series.
Also Check this video for a better understanding of the concept.
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