The History of Surul Jaminar Bari & Sarkar Family
Surul is a village nearby Visva-Bharati University, which is established by Rabindranath Tagore. A noteworthy piece of this focal college, with the entire of its Sriniketan grounds, remains inside Surul mouja. The Surul comprises of a vast populace of Bagdis, Bauris, Haris and Doms, and additionally weavers. The Sarkar's who were Zamindars of this Birbhum District in West Bengal got Brahmins and other upper positions. The Sarkar family at Surul had contributed an indispensable job towards financial improvement of the general zone and furthermore towards foundation of Visva-Bharati, an Institution of National Importance
Amid the late 1940s Indian craftsman Mukul Dey widely photograph reported the earthenware sanctuaries of Surul, which were in this way distributed in a collection titled Birbhum Terracottas, Lalit Kala Akademi, New Delhi, 1959.
After Krishnhari was borned Bharat chndra and his Wife chose to remain in surul and begin their agriculture business. In the years to come the sarkar family driven by Krishnahari, and his child's ventured into numerous different organizations, for example, exchanging of minerals , cottons, synthetics , grains and so on.

Amid British standard in India, this Surul used to be an extremely huge zone, being the key focus of business/trade/exchange and was additionally the site of a business residency under John Cheap. After East India Company surrendered its commercial dealings in 1835, the residency was permitted to fall into rot.
Because of fortune and impact of Surul Rajbari, Sarkarbari, the general territory was wealthy in Culture separated from being financially solid. The sanctuaries at Surul are well - ensured and earthenware carvings consequently are particular. A couple of the sanctuaries were worked in 1830, inside a couple of long periods of John Cheap's demise. A large portion of the sanctuaries are considerably more seasoned, devoted to Shiva, one to Manasa and one pancharatna (five transcend) sanctuary to Lakshmi-Janardan. The greater part of the carvings are conventional portrayals, for example, the Ramayana war yet the delineations of Europeans require uncommon mention

Durga Puja, Dharmaraj Puja, Kali Puja of Surul Sarkarbari still conveys the custom of soil. The monster structures are as yet drawing in guests around the globe and directly ended up most loved goal for movie shootings. Hardly any movies: Padmi Pisir Barmi Bakso, Pratima, Hirok Jayanti, Bansiwala, Gohona Bakso, Chaturanga, Sesh Sanghat, Few TV Serials: Tumi Robe Nirobe, Lalu Bhulu, Baro Theke Atharo
furthermore, numerous more .
The historical backdrop of Surul Sarkar family can be followed nearly 300 years back. From oral history and some composed archives, it gives the idea that the original of the Sarkar family came to Surul (initially known as Krishnanagar) in Birbhum locale from a town named Nilpur in Bardhaman region in mid 1700.
Bharat chandra ghose (later given the title of SARKAR by British Raj - so it is accept)
The legend goes that he and his significant other were childless and being a religious individual chose to go to Kashi ( Benaras) look for devine help so they could have a Child .
In transit they halted at surul to pay tribute to their kuloguru Bashudev bhattacharya.
At the counsel of their kuloguru sri bashudev, Bharatchandra and his Wife remained on in surul and turn into a fan of shyamsundar the old God Worshiped in Surul.
Their commitment ,supplications and love of shyamsundar were replied with Bharat chandra's wife bearing a Child.
The Child was named Krishnahari .

The organizations prospered making the sarkar family wealthiest in the locale .
The Sarkar family Durga puja begun by Jadabendranath Sarkar around 283 years ago,in alternative sanctuary and before long turn into the coupling paste of the family. Another changeless sanctuary appointed and begun by srinibas sarkar around 230 years prior. What's more, the glorious structure bearing the declaration of the rich history of the family.
so I made an appropriate video blog on this specific house. so look down and see the each side of this house through my camera.
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