Where Mythology Meets Reality:
The 70,000 Palaces; Dwarka, India
The antiquated city of Lord Krishna was viewed as a fantasy, however ruins found in 2000 are compelling specialists to investigate the Indian story. Master Krishna's city had 70,000 royal residences made of valuable metals, for example, gold and silver, however upon his demise, they purportedly sank into the ocean.
The remnants are 131 feet underneath the surface in the inlet of cutting edge Dwarka, one of the seven most established urban communities in India, the site said. Specialists presently figure the antiquated city could have existed as right on time as 7500 BCE.

As indicated by old Sanskrit writing, the Lord Krishna established the blessed city of Dwarka, which along these lines got submerged under ocean.
Marine archeological investigations off Dwarka have uncovered an extensive number of stone structures, which are crescent, rectangular and square fit as a fiddle in water profundity going from entomb tidal zone to 36 meters (120 feet). They are haphazardly scattered over a huge territory. Other than these structures, countless of stone stays have been seen along the structures and additionally past 36 m water profundity.
These discoveries propose that Dwarka was a standout amongst the most bustling port focuses amid the past on the west bank of India. The similar investigation of encompassing destinations shows that the date of the structures of Dwarka might be between Historical period and late medieval period.
Standard researchers keep up that antiquated Indian culture/human advancement returns some 4-5 thousand years. However the remnants beneath the Gulf of Cambay return no less than 9 thousand years, i.e. to the time when the region submerged.
Many shake like this can be found close ocean. It obviously appears a man made bit of divider
This implies the city probably existed before the flooding, i.e. no less than 9 thousand years prior.
The investigations led in the Gulf of Cambay waters uncovered sandstone dividers, a matrix of avenues and some proof of an ocean port 70 feet submerged. The remnants have been announced the remaining parts of the incredible lost city of Dwarka which, as per antiquated Hindu writings, was the residence of the god known as Krishna.
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