They even rebooted it and made him a youngster at a certain point — that is the manner by which edgy Marvel was to get deals.
This is what truly occurred: In the 1990s, Marvel was harming — seriously. They required cash so they sold the rights out to their best level properties — specifically the X-Men and Spider-Man. Fabulous Four, Namor(!), Punisher and Ghost Rider were additionally sold. Adrenaline junkie was sold. Indeed, even Man-Thing got sold off!
After Spider-Man, Punisher, X-Men, Daredevil and the Fantastic Four, who did Marvel have left? The Hulk! So they attempted "HULK" (2003), and few individuals preferred it.

So essentially, the MCU was begun with "Iron Man" (2008) because every "great" property had been sold off and the "hulk" (2003) stunk.
You could contend that Captain America would have been a superior decision, yet "Commander America: The First Avenger" (2011) wouldn't have worked without the Iron Man as the contrast first.
A fast aside — To settle on the decision considerably harder, both Iron Man and Captain America have profound rebel's exhibitions — heaps of intriguing and exceptional reprobates. Either would have a lot of story potential. The choice, at last, must be about the tone of the motion picture, not who had a superior story or additionally interesting Adversaries .

In any case, the Fantastic Four or Captain America would have been my next options for beginning the MCU, yet FF isn't actually superheroing (it's more "adventuring") and Captain America has a political edge more often than not.
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